Individual Shooting Into the Air and Catching the Ball

Tactical Problem:  How to shoot ball over opponent.

Skill Development: Shooting technique-hand and body positioning.

Teaching Points:


  • How to create space in order to shoot ball over opponent.



  • Proper hand positioning and body alignment when shooting the ball.

Class shooting the basketball into the air (above diagram)

Class shooting the basketball onto a line (above diagram)

Organizational Points:
  • Students will find a space in the gym.
  • On teacher's command, student's will shoot ball into the air and catch it.
  • Emphasis on soft hands
  • "Hand in the cookie jar" to enforce importance of follow-through.
  • Elbow in line with the knee and arm at 90.


  • Get students to find a line and shoot ball into the air and aim to land on the line.
  • Same cues:  Soft hands, hand in the cookie jar, and elbow in line with the knee.
